Your ezine subscriber list is a very valuable group. They are interested in your product of service. They *want* to hear from you occasionally. They are interested in what's new with the subject and have asked to be kept in the loop.
When I built my first website, I was mistaken thinking that just because I put a form to capture email addresses, people would fill it in. Very few did.
Why not? They had no reason to. No motivation. No return for giving out their information. I wrote a small time management workbook and offered it to subscribers. After they clicked to join the list, they were directed to a .pdf version of the book. As soon as I provided a reward for signing up, my subscriber list grew by leaps and bounds - almost 400%! I was so excited!
Then I sent out my first newsletter to these folks. Lots of them bounced; they were invalid email addresses. These readers were willing to type in a little box to get a reward, but the prize came too easily.
Soon I learned that a great method to ensure their correct email was captures was to deliver the goods via email. That way, if they really wanted to get the booklet, they'd have to ante up with valid addresses.
Great - they had pre-qualified themselves!
You can use autosresponders or a tool such as Constant Contact to automatically send your offering to the new subscribers. Try or
Now, just sit back and watch your list grow into a wonderful marketing tool.
By Megan Corwin
Senin, 14 Juli 2008
How to Grow Your Ezine Subscriber List
10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers
1. Place testimonials for your ezine on your site.
Your testimonials will help you to increase your circulation by showing your visitors how your ezine has helped your subscribers.
2. Give your visitors the chance to see what your ezine is all about before subscribing.
For instance, you could provide an archive of your past issues on your site or you could make a sample issue available by autoresponder.
3. Write articles.
Your articles will increase your subscriptions by showing people that are unfamiliar with your ezine what kind of valuable content they can expect from you.
Promote your articles by submitting them to article directories, article announcement lists, and also to ezine publishers directly.
4. Swap articles with other ezine publishers and webmasters.
Publish other ezine publishers' articles in your ezine in exchange for those publishers running your articles in their ezines.
This can help you to successfully increase your subs by getting your articles run in targeted ezines on a regular basis.
You can also participate in ad swaps where you post other publishers' or webmasters articles on your site in exchange for them doing the same for you.
In addition, to helping you get more subscribers, these swaps can help you to keep your site updated with new content and increase your search engine rankings by increasing the number of reciprocal links you have.
5. Add bonuses for subscribing to your ezine.
Your bonuses will help you to successfully get more subscribers by giving your visitors an incentive for joining your ezine.
Increase the value your visitors place on your bonuses by adding an honest dollar amount to them, by telling your visitors the benefits they provide, or by telling your visitors how many people have already received them.
6. Swap advertising space with other ezine publishers.
Your ad swaps will give you an excellent way to increase your subscriptions at no cost. When possible, swap your ads for at least three issues in a row to maximize the number of new subscribers you get.
7. Swap "thank you" page ads.
Promote other related but non competing ezines on the page your new subscribers are taken to after subscribing to your ezine in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
This will give you a powerful way to continue to increase your subscriptions for as long as the other ezines are published.
8. Swap welcome message ads.
Like your "thank you" page ads, this type of swap can give you very good ongoing promotion of your ezine. The main difference is that not everyone that subscribes to your ezine will read your welcome email while all your new subscribers will be directed to your "thank you" page.
9. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.
You could recommend another publisher's ezine within your ezine in your own words in exchange for that publisher doing the same for you.
You could also swap recommendations in your welcome message or on your "thank you" page.
In addition, you could run a recommended ezines section in every issue where you recommend a few or several other ezines in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
10. Submit your ezine to ezine announcement lists and ezine directories.
Your submissions will provide you with an easy way to start getting more new subscribers.
Getting your ezine listed in ezine directories can also help you to find more people who would like to purchase advertising in your ezine as well as more publishers who would like to do a joint venture with you.
Article by writer, Ken Hill
10 First Rate Tips To Getting More Ezine Subscribers
1. Submit your ezine to ezine directories.
Ezine directories attract people interested in subscribing to ezines that provide them with information about their interests such as marketing, affiliate programs, gardening, or staying healthy.
In addition, ezine directories will help you to find people to buy advertising in your publication as well as other publishers who would like to swap ads or do a joint venture with you.
2. Promote your ezine in your signature file. Include a couple lines of promotion for your ezine in addition to the other information in your sig file.
3. Add a subscription box for your ezine on every page of your site. This will ensure that whatever page your visitors enter your site from, they will be able learn about your ezine and subscribe to your publication.
4. Provide a bonus for subscribing to your ezine such as an ebook, report, tutorial, marketing course, or access to your subscriber's only membership site.
Mention your bonus when promoting your ezine on your site, in your signature file, and when submitting your publication to ezine directories.
5. Buy classified ads or sponsor ads for your publication in ezines that you are already subscribed to and enjoy reading.
Also search ezine directories for ezines that reach your target market and offer reasonable advertising rates.
6. Swap ads with other ezine publishers. Be specific when asking for your ad swap. Clearly define where you will place the other publisher's ad and ask the other publisher to place the same ad for you.
Also ask for confirmation of your ad and a copy of the issue your ad will run in, and provide the other publisher with a copy of her ad and a copy of the issue you run her ad in.
To get the most out of your swaps trying swapping ads for at least 3 issues in a row and track your swaps, so that you will be able to pinpoint which ads and ezines give you the best response.
7. Use your articles to promote your ezine. Add a resource box that advertises your ezine to articles that you've written and run in your ezine or write articles specifically for promoting your ezine.
Next submit your articles to other ezine publishers, to article directories, and to article announcement lists.
8. Use autoresponders to promote your ezine to your visitors. Make sample issues of your ezine available by autoresponder or use your autoresponders to create an archive of all your past issues.
9. Publish testimonials/endorsements for your ezine on your site. If you've received tons of these for your ezine, use an autoresponder to deliver them to your visitors.
10. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers. You could swap recommendations where the other publisher puts her recommendation of your ezine in her own words while you do the same for her.
You could also publish a recommended ezines section if you wanted to swap recommendations with several other ezines interested in swapping recommendations with each other.
Article Copyright by writer, Ken Hill
13 Ways To A Build A List Of Readers Of Your Ezine
If you have an ezine or online newsletter you want to send it to potential customers. In order to send it you need a list of people who want to receive it. This article is about how you build a list of subscribers to your ezine.
There are many ways to approach people and ask them to join your list. Because that is what it is all about.
Building your list
What is already available?
Maybe your business exists for some time and you have already customers. Add them to your list. If you have salesmen or -women in your staff (in case part of your business is off-line), ask them about their contacts as well. Check business cards and business correspondence (bills, invoices etc.).
A form on your web site.
Place a form on your web site where visitors can subscribe to your ezine. You can find the html code for a form on the internet and often your web host company offers forms for free.
Ezine directories
Ezine directories are a great place for you to promote your ezine. There are ezine categories for any kind of business. Before you submit your ezine you have to make a description of it. The description has to be short and compelling and reflect what your ezine is about. Search in an ezine directory for ezines like yours and read the descriptions. This gives you an idea about how the description should be.
Here is a list of directories where you can submit your ezine. There are more. You can find them in any search engine.
Ezines Hub
Electric Pen
Online advertising
Place ads online to promote your ezine.
Announcement Lists
Announcements Lists are email lists where publishers can announce their ezine. Every list has some rules you have to follow before announcing, like name of the ezine, circulation, a short description, age category, where to subscribe etc. You also have to subscribe to the group before you can post.
Here are url's of some announcement lists:
1 List Advertising
2000 Publications
Add Your List
All My Lists
List Your List
List Announcement
List Advertise
Get More Subs
Get More Subs (Topica)
Promote List
List Builder
Promote your List
Offline advertising
Place ads about your ezine in magazines, journals etc., that are related to your business and promote your ezine or online newsletter there. If you sell products about dog food, you may advertise your ezine in magazines and trade journals about dogs. You can also place a small ad in the pets section of your local newspaper and the pet store.
Distribute flyers at busy traffic points in your city or at markets, related to your business.
Business card
Mention your ezine and the subscribe email address on your business card.
Free Ads
Offer space for free ads. This attracts subscribers. If you consider doing this, don't forget to include this option in the description of your ezine. When potential subscribers search the directories they can see that you offer space for free ads.
Signatures files
Include at the end of your outgoing emails a short message about your ezine. Mention in the sig file where they can find your ezine and how they can subscribe. Don't forget to include the sig file also in your replies to emails.
Ad Swaps
Offer colleague publishers space for an ad in which he promotes his eziner. In return you can advertise your own ezine in his. Make for this purpose a compelling ad. The description of your ezine can be a guide for this. Here are some nice places for an ad swap:
The Free Directory of Ezines
List Directory
Shann's Ezine
Money Minute Ezine
SwapResources .com
Binky's Ad Swap Club
KCD Webdesign and Hosting
Ad Co-ops
An ad co-op means that you place ads that are delivered to you by an intermediate. A person who offers ad space on the net. You place the ads he acquires and in return you can add the email address of the person who advertises to your list.
Ad co-ops contribute a great deal in building your list and you will see a rapid grow but the subscribers are not always the subscribers you want. The importance is often exaggerated
Ask your subscribers to recommend your ezine to family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, business relations etc. You can e.g. put a small form in your ezine where subscribers can enter the email address of friends, family etc.
In closing
As you see... there are many ways to promote your ezine and build a list. When you do a brainstorm session you may even find more.
By Joop Liefaard
Ezine Publishing: 5 Easy Smart Strategies To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base
Do you publish an e-zine or newsletter?
If you answer yes, then you must know how difficult it is to sign up new subscribers.
I will now reveal to you 5 smart and easy e-zine publishing secrets to do so.
1. Give Incentives
Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine. Offer them a freebie if they subscribe. It could be a free e-book, free report, free advertising, etc. Make sure the freebie will attract your target audience.
2. Joint Venture
Joint venture with a similar e-zine. Combine your subscriber bases together and publish one e-zine. Edit and publish each issue together. You both will be promoting the e-zine which means more subscribers.
3. Allow Archiving
Allow your subscribers to archive back issues of your e-zine on their web site. They may need content for their web site. If people visit their web site and like your e-zine, they will subscribe.
4. Form An E-zine Ring
Form an e-zine ring. Team up with 4 to 10 similar e-zines. All the publishers would agree to list each others e-zine name and subscribing information in every issue. You could call this section "Other Free E-zines You Might Enjoy"
5. Ask Subscribers
Ask subscribers to forward your e-zine to close friends, family, or associates. If they enjoy your e-zine, they will subscribe. It's almost like your subscribers are endorsing your e-zine.
May you succeed in your e-zine publishing efforts and make a lot of money.
By Warmly
Top 10 Reasons to Use a Blog to Publish Your Ezine
Blogs are the hottest thing going these days when it comes to marketing on the Internet. A blog is a delivery medium. Here are 10 reasons why you should deliver your ezine articles via a blog.
1. A blog is web based so you can update and post new articles anywhere, anytime. It's a dynamic medium that can be updated on a moment's notice.
2. Subscribers can subscribe to your RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed and have your content delivered straight to their desktop. This delivery system bypasses spam filters and readers get exactly the content they want.
3. No web site to mess with. It's very inexpensive way to set up a web presence for your ezine. There are several sites where you can set up a free blog and others are very reasonably priced for the massive exposure you can get.
4. You can set up links for ads and your affiliate programs in side columns so you don't have to include them in your ezine format.
5. You can set up a subscription form and send emails to your subscribers when new content is added.
6. Blogs link to other blogs which helps you create a viral marketing system and increases your exposure in search engines. Search engines LOVE text based, fresh content that is highly focused (key word rich).
7. You can use your ezine blog to become a trusted expert for your subscribers, by filtering content for them so they don't have to visit hundreds of web sites.
8. You have an instant archive of all your articles. When you post an article, a new page and permalink is created. People can share that link with others and be sent directly to the article being referenced.
9. Readers can comment on your articles, which creates rapport and trust between you and your subscriber. Comments also add rich content to your site and again, helps your ranking in the search engines.
10. The bottom line is this: using a blog can help you attract more visitors who become subscribers and then eventually become clients.
For an ezine publisher, a blog compliments and can significantly ease the delivery of your ezine content. Essentially, like any web site, you have to promote it and encourage people to add your site to their RSS feed (that's another subject) or subscribe for updates through a subscription form. That's why I put a subscribe form on my site - subscribers and get updates in anyway they want. You still need to submit to search engines and directories to drive traffic. If you already have an ezine subscriber database, my advice would be to post everything on the blog and then send a weekly email, or whatever your normal publishing schedule is, informing your subscribers when new content is posted.
Marketing is done in a conversational way and via the links on your blog. Announcements can be posted on the blog and to one's list. I see the blog and ezine database as complimentary...working together to increase your exposure and make it easier for people to get your information and build relationships.
By Denise Wakeman
Ezine List Building-Wealth Mentor Teaches 5 Easy Steps To Skyrocket Your Subscriptions and Profits
Would you like an Internet Marketing tool that can put your efforts on autopilot?
In a recent interview for the List Crusade program, Matt Bacak revealed what he called the "foundation" for automatically building a successful and profitable ezine.
(Note: To access Matt Bacak's complete audio interview for fre^e, see end of article)
A little about Matt: He was the leading facilitator for Robert Kiyosaki's (of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame) Cash Flow 101 program. One of his secret techniques he used was to create the Millionaire Minutes ezine, which allowed him to stay in contact with participants even after the seminar was over.
With a several hundred thousand subscribers and around 750 new subscribers each day, Matt knows how to quickly develop an opt-in subscriber list.
The ezine was so successful the he was able to do mailings to his subscriber list three days before an event and fill the room to capacity.
He attributes the success of this ezine with causing him to cross over from wealth building to the Internet Marketing world. He now is considered one of the top Internet marketing mentors in the world.
Bazek gives these steps to develop and promote your ezine.
1) Get a Smart Autoresponder--Your Internet business must have a solid foundation with a Smart Autoresponder. The smart autoresponder allows you to capture names and email addresses.
You can then set it up to email a sequence of messages. For example, one of Matt's ezine has messages set up to be mailed automatically over a period of two years. That means he can go on extended vacations and his sales messages still go out and make him money.
2) Choose a good title and description. Choose a title that captures your Unique Selling Proposition. Next write a 15-30 word description of your ezine to entice the subscriber with benefits of "what's in it for me?" This is absolutely necessary when you begin submitting to ezine directories.
3) Next contact other ezine owners and set up joint ventures. Many will be glad promote your ezine to their list if it has value to their readers. There are literally thousands of other ezine owners out there. You can offer to promote their ezine to your list also.
4) Start submitting your ezine to directories. A search on the Internet will reveal many fre^e ezine directories on the web. They'll list your title and description at no charge. You can begin getting subscribers almost immediately. If you have extra cash to help promote your ezine, try some of the paid directories-for a fee, you can be listed on these site along with many other sites that are members of their network. These can definitely speed up the growth of your ezine.
5) Use a mentor that can help you set up your ezine step-by-step, laying the foundation to put the ezine on autopilot. Often getting first hand guidance from someone who has set up a successful ezine is the boost you'll need to get started.
With those foundational steps, you can quickly start a successful ezine and quickly bring in money, all on autopilot.
By Rick Miller
How To Choose the Right Ezines For Your Ads
Do you feel bewildered when you begin an Ezine Advertising campaign?
I do.
Take 'The Free Directory of Ezines', for example. There are over 800 Ezines in the Directory that accept paid ads. How do you decide which Ezines to place your ad in?
There are several factors that narrow down the choice for me.
First, I look at the subscriber numbers. If an Ezine has less than 400 subscribers, I move on.
Then I look at the Publication Dates. I prefer to advertise in Ezines that are published weekly, or even more frequently; I don't want to wait a month my ad to appear.
Then I look at the number of ads that appear in each issue. If an Ezine has more than 15 ads per issue, I give it a miss; I want my ad to be seen.
Then I look at the payment method; if the Ezine doesn't accept online payment with the major credit cards, I move on.
Then I look at the Ad Rates - on a 'blind date' like this, the most I'm prepared to pay for an Ezine ad is about $20.
Finally, I look at when the Ezine was last updated. If the Ezine listing is more than 6 months old, the ad rates have probably gone up, or maybe the Ezine itself has folded up.
These are all factors that you can use to narrow down your search for the right Ezine for your Ads. But it's still a 'stab in the dark'.
There's another technique, however, for choosing the right Ezines for your ads. Basically, you want Ezines that will give you a high response-rate to your ad. The following technique will tell you this with pinpoint accuracy. I used this strategy a couple of months ago and it produced excellent results.
First of all, I signed up for a 'Pro' account with ROIBOT, an 'Ad Tracking' service. It costs $17 per month, but you'll get that back easily from a successful ad campaign. You can find out more about ROIBOT at:
In the 'Manage Your Campaign' area of ROIBOT, I generated 50 traceable URLs for my ads.
Then I went to my own eBook, 'EzyAds', and subscribed to 50 Ezines that give a free ad to new subscribers. I submitted an identical 25-word ad to each of those 50 Ezines. Each of those ads contained a unique URL generated by ROIBOT.
I then sat back and waited. My 50 ads were published during the following month, some the very next day, others 2 or 3 weeks later. Once or twice a week I went to the ROIBOT website and checked how many clicks I had got from those traceable URLs.
The results were very interesting. Of the 50 Ezines that I placed free ads in, 15 produced an outstanding response. At the end of the month I purchased paid ads in 10 of those 15 Ezines. And I continue to get a high response rate from those 10 paid ads.
By Michael Southon
Is Your Ezine Being Zapped?
About a year ago I wrote an article titled 'Winning The War On Sp^m'. Unfortunately, the war on sp^m is not being won at all.
In fact, the problem is now so serious that sp^m is shaping up to be the greatest threat to online marketing.
The threat comes not from sp^mmers themselves, but from the filters that are being used to block them.
These filters are hitting hard at the very core of ecommerce - Ezine Publishing.
Anti-sp^m filters operate at two levels: (i) client-side programs that reside on individual computers and (ii) server-side programs that ISPs are using to block incoming sp^m.
The problem is that the filters are now so sensitive they are blocking even the most innocent of Newsletters.
For example, if your Newsletter contains the words 'remove', 'unsubscribe' or 'click here' it will trigger anti-sp^m filters in many of the programs that are now being used by ISPs.
The result?
Your Ezine is zapped, deleted - and a large percentage of your s^bscribers will think you have stopped publishing your Newsletter.
What can you do about it?
Here are some tips to avoid sp^m filters:
(1) Post your Newsletter online and then email your s^bscribers to tell them that the latest issue is now available online.
(2) In your Newsletter carefully avoid (both in the subject line and the body text) all words that are likely to trigger anti-sp^m filters. Use the fr^e service listed at the end of this article - it will flag any words in your Newsletter that trigger anti-sp^m filters.
(3) Instead of saying 'to unsubscribe' (which is a phrase commonly found in sp^m), say 'If you no longer wish to receive...' or 'If you wish to leave this mailing list...' or 'To take yourself off this list...'
(4) If there are trigger words that you simply cannot avoid, you can disguise them using carets (^) or other symbols. The 'F' word would become fr^e and the 'U' word would become uns^bscribe.
(5) Include the word 'Newsletter' in the subject line of your email - this will help the filters identify your email as non-sp^m.
(6) Avoid whole words in upper case. In many Newsletters the headers are capitalized - this will trigger the filters.
(7) If your Newsletter contains ads, scrutinize them carefully - ezine ads, by definition, contain words frequently used by sp^mmers.
Here is a fr^e service that will help you avoid sp^m filters. Before you mail out your Newsletter, just send a copy of it to the email address below with TEST in the subject line:
Within a few seconds you'll receive a report that analyses your Newsletter and gives you a score (0 to 5=no problems 12-16=over the limit for most ISPs).
If you write articles, it's worth submitting them to this test as well, together with your Resource Box (Sp^mCheck gave this article a score of 1.9).
Sp^mCheck is operated by Sp^mAssassin, a filter that is widely used by ISPs - so this is a good test of whether your Newsletter will get through to your s^bscribers.
By Michael Southon
Fishing For Ezine Subscribers
The Bible tells the tale of the fishermen who were just not catching a thing. Jesus came along and told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, which they did. Surprise! They caught so many fish their nets began to tear.
Jesus had a strategy. He thought outside the box. And he knew where to go. Of course, when you're God, you tend to know a lot of things.
What about fishing for ezine subscribers? Don't expect Jesus to tell you where to cast your subscription net. You will have to build some other strategy. In the meantime, here are the six steps I sued to grow my free online Happy Class ( ) list by 27 last night, and my Daily Dose of Happiness ( by 10.
Step # 1: Sign up for Subscription Rocket ( ) and install the code on every page of your web site. SR is a small pop-under offering your visitors free subscriptions to newsletters. Unlike some pop-ups, this pop-under is unobtrusive and nobody has ever complained. Every time the screen pops under your site, your ezine pops under four other similar sites. Most of my ezine subscribers had never even heard of me or visited my site before they signed up.
Step # 2: Get lots of traffic to your site. The Internet traffic gurus will tell you to attract only TARGETED traffic. But, with SR, any traffic will do. 1000 non-targeted visitors might be useless to you, but they will trigger 4000 appearances of your ezine notice to targeted visitors of other sites. Get the most targeted traffic possible, yes, but whatever you do, get traffic. More on this later.
Step # 3: Get sub-affiliates, and get lots of them. Every time web sites you referred get visitors to their sites, you earn three credits. So 1000 visitors to means YOUR ezine gets seen by 3000 targeted visitors at other sites.
Step # 4: Replace some of the SR codes with Subscriber Drive codes. What's the difference? Not much. They are almost identical. You can see how SD works at . Why use both? Two reasons.
First, you don't want to run out of targeted subscribers. For instance, if you run an Internet marketing newsletter, you don't want one service to run out of similar sites on which to display your ezine and start showing it to visitors of vampire-slaying sites.
Second, if you can get multiple credits for each visitor to your site ... if you stagger the two services along the well-worn surfing routes. I have SR code on my home page, and SD code on my Self-actualization Resource Center, where the largest number of home page visitors tend to gravitate.
Let's start thinking way outside the box.
5. How do you get big traffic to your site? Suppose, for instance, your ezine and web site are about Internet marketing, competing with 4.5 million savvy entries on Google. Slim chance getting a top ten ranking, or even a top 100 ranking.
Consider your hobbies. Suppose you like horseback riding. Why not have a page on horseback riding, optimized for a couple juicy equestrian keywords, where you compete with just 700,000 not so savvy web sites? What does horseback riding have to do with Internet marketing? Everything, if it is about the publisher (you!). You might also post a page on Italian cuisine, where your keyword optimization competes with only 200,000 other Google entries. These could both be under "About the publisher".
In addition to the untargeted traffic who will bring you targeted subscribers from other sites by tripping the SR and SD codes, your visitors will get to know you better as a human being, a key factor in building trust with them. You can also add affiliate links for related products (want to sell a horse?) and actually make some money from these extra pages. (If you like happiness, why not use one of my happiness articles and sell my two happiness ebooks through affiliate links from
6. Another way to boost traffic to your site is to keep sending your subscribers to your site. If there is a free ebook download (or software or puzzle or graphic or recipe) or a contest to enter, you can have subscribers visiting your web site each week. I set up a Daily Fun page for subscribers to Your Daily Dose of Happiness. Every time one of them visits, she earns me four views of my ezine notice to targeted traffic on other web sites. This page is getting an average of 100 hits a day, and that will increase as my ezine readership grows.
Jesus could help you catch way more subscribers than I can. But until he offers some alternatives, these are the steps you can take to turbo boost your subscriber catch.
By David Leonhardt
Top Seven Ways to Promote your Ezine
Your ezine builds customer confidence and trust when you give free tips, articles, and resources. Clients and customers buy only when they trust you. Expand your email subscriber list seven ways for eventual big sales.
1. Network offline.
Visit professional like-minded networking groups. These groups usually meet once a month, have speakers, and networking time for you to mix with other professionals. You will get valuable information at these meetings for low cost-yearly memberships run that around $25-$75 which includes free or low-cost meeting attendance. Each meeting is around two hours including networking time and talk. Usually at each meeting you hear a speaker and get a 30-second time to introduce yourself.
2. Speak to groups about your expertise.
You can guest speak for a large association or group, or you can give your own seminars and workshops, where people come to hear your expertise. During each meeting, pass as clipboard that asks your audience for their email addresses. At the top include a reason to "buy". Make a fre*e offer such as your ezine. Include your Web URL in plain sight as well as your email. You want these people to visit your Web site, to see what you can do for them, see your expertise, then perhaps to buy products.
You can give a teleclass too in the comfort of your office or home. When you introduce yourself offer a benefit of your free ezine along with a free bonus special report.
3. Promote your ezine on your Web site.
Visit various sites and take from them what will make your web pages zing.
Don't use the pabulum approach such as "Subscribe to my free ezine." Is this enough to make you buy? Give a reason for your visitor to buy.
Use the passion approach. For my new Web site, I submitted this blurb to my Webmaster: Finish, publish, and sell your book-fast! Receive free articles, tips and resources in the FRE*E monthly ezine "The Book Coach Says?."
Nearby in a box, I put up a strong testimonial from someone highly respected in the business. Dan Poynter, self-publishing guru said, "Chock full of tips, how-to's, and resources, definitely worth your time."
You can also offer by autoresponder a free report when people subscribe. People want free information. When you give it to them, they will come back for more, and eventually buy.
Placement is important. For the best response and more subscribers, place your subscribe box before your visitor has to scroll down. Remember the old adage; "Make it easy for your customer to buy."
4. Promote your ezine through your signature box at the end of every email.
Create a promotional signature in four to seven lines, and add it to the end of each email you send out. Here, you would list your book title, benefits of your service, your FRE*E ezine title with a way to subscribe. Include your email, Web site address, and local phone number for people out of the U.S.
5. Promote your ezine through submitting free articles to opt-in ezines.
Once you subscribe to these ezines, you can submit one or two articles from 400-800 words every week. In each ezine, thousands of other subscribers will read and think about your article.
Each time you submit an articles to ten or so opt-in ezines (all with one click) you will receive 10-25 new ezine subscribers each day. A strong signature file brings you many new visitors a day. These turn into sales eventually, once trust is established.
6. Offer your subscribers a free gift subscription to send to their friends.
You can use another autoresponder to send the gift, plus whom it's from, and a little blurb about what they will be receiving. Always include a way for subscribers to unsubscribe.
7. Send out press releases via email about your ezine. Press releases by email are different from print ones. They must be short! They must be newsworthy! Don't pitch your book; offer some skills and how-to's. Skills Unlimited Publishing sends out over 150 different print releases a year, along with other effective Online promotion.
Media editors will respond to your compelling headline such as "7 Ways to Sell More Books Than you Ever Dreamed of" that brought first a feature in a major newspaper in San Diego. The results? Over 90 people came to a local seminar by the same name. Four new book coaching clients signed up. Twenty came to ongoing weekly seminars, and twenty more to a teleclass. Book sales amounted to over $400.
Send a list of tips and how-to's to editors. These may prompt a call to do a feature story on you.
Build your business and sell more products through an ezine. When subscribers experience your messages and information in six or more ezines, they will be more likely to buy from you.
By Judy Cullins
Dont Forget About Your Old Ezine Articles
It's over. You've written your ezine article, sent it out to some ezine publishers, posted it to some article banks and announcement groups, and have even had it published in a few ezines. Pretty good, huh! Now it's time to forget about that article and move on to the next one. Or is it?
Actually, if you forget about your article now you may be missing out on some of the most important benefits that can be gained from writing ezine articles. Listed below are 5 ways to get more benefits from your already published ezine articles.
1. Submit URLs of Published Article to Search Engines
Many times people will like your article enough to post it on their website. Once you find the URL where your article is published try submitting it to some search engines. The webmaster probably won't mind but a email asking for their permission can't hurt. Additionally, if your article is published in an ezine that is archived on a website you can submit the URL of the issue of the ezine that your article appeared in. If it's a well-designed site the search engines may except the submission and your article may start appearing in search results all over the Net.
I recommend using free search engine submission sites like: or
2. Submit Article Bank URLs to Search Engines
When you post your articles to article banks like or, your articles are posted on their own webpage. Submitting the URL for this page to search engines can bring added readers to your writing. I tried this tip a while back and truthfully I forgot that I even did it. Recently, I was surprised to find that a few of the article bank URLs that I had submitted were actually in some of the major search engines!
3. Post Your Articles on Your Own Website
By posting your articles to your own website you are giving all visitors to your site a chance to read over and benefit from your writings. Having well-written, informative articles, that you've personally written, on your site can add to your credibility-which can increase sign-ups and sales.
4. Save All Articles and Promote Them Again in 6 Months/1 Year
New people are logging onto the World Wide Web each day. The ezines that run your articles now will have thousands more subscribers in a years time. Your article will be new to all these fresh faces. And even the people who read your article in the past will probably learn something from it the second time around as well. Of course, you'll want to be sure an update your article and maybe even add some new information.
5. Compile Your Past Articles Into an E-book
E-books are everywhere these days and for a good reason: People read them! After you have written a few articles you may have enough content to publish your own e-book. Then you can offer this e-book to subscribers or website visitors as a free gift. Or you can sell your e-book for a small fee.
**Bonus Tip** Always Include Good Resource Box
Whenever you write an article be sure to always include your resource box. This is the section at the end of the article where you talk about YOU. If people like your article they will look for your resource box to find out where they can get more information from you. Be sure to include at least one URL in your resource box. That way anytime your article is posted on a website you will have a link to one of your websites, which, coincidentally, will help out your websites search engine ranking if you follow tips #1 and #2 in this article.
So don't forget about those previously published articles you've got saved in Microsoft Word. Pull them out. Dust them off. Re-use them. Start on your E-book. And try and remember all the websites that have posted your articles. Get the URLs. Submit them to a few search engines. The benefits you receive may suprise you. And now, my resource box:
By Timothy Ward
10 Benefits Of Submitting Your Articles To Ezines
1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.
To find publisher you can submit your articles to, you can simply visit Google and enter a keyword phase that describes your target market (e.g. business owner) plus the work newsletter or ezine: +"business owner" +newsletter
2. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition.
3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure.
To make it easier for the publisher, provide also an URL to a web page with your article on it. The easier it is for the publisher to use your article, the higher the chances that they will do it.
4. You might get extra exposure if the ezine publisher archives their ezine on their site. People might want to read the back issues before they make the decision to subscribe.
5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You could buy advertisements in other ezines that don't publish your articles.
6. You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your incom^e.
7. You could allow ezine publishers to publish your articles in their free e-books. Since people give them away, your advertising could multiply all over the internet.
8. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an ezine publisher that has a free content directory on their web site. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article.
Another option would be to submi^t your article to article directories. To find article directories that you can submit your articles to, you can again simply visit Google and search for: "article directory"
9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your product or service. You will then be able to increase your profits.
10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in an ezine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your ezine if, in exchange, they run yours in their ezine. It's a win/win situation.
Tip: If your article recommends one of your own resources, offer the publisher a percentage of each sale for publishing your article. This could be done by using a special order link, or if you have an affiliate program, by allowing the publisher use his one affiliate link.
By Frank Bauer
Grow Your Business with a Newsletter
You find a Web site or receive an email about an online store with cool products that you'd like to order, but not right now. Either you file the email or bookmark the Web site. How often do you proactively return to the email or Web site? For me, the percentage is miserably low and my bookmarks file is hey-uuuge.
If getting people to your Web site is a breeze, then you're in good shape. The question is... how often do they return especially when they are ready to buy your product or service? By that time, they may have forgotten about your site and services.
Regularly connect with them through an email newsletter. It's a great way to trigger their memories, give them something for nothing, and build relationships. The payoff will be new and more business, money in the bank account. A high quality newsletter demonstrates value, trust, and stability.
How many newsletters and emails have you seen from companies that were all about "them?" They discuss their newest products. Their site redesign. Their receiving an award. Does this information help you? Maybe if you're a shareholder; otherwise it useless information.
Newsletters demonstrating value by providing information to help readers in their everyday work such as solving the problems they face, keeping them on top of industry trends, and saving them research time by filtering the best articles related to the business.
When a newsletter repeatedly gives readers something of value without a price, they eventually make the buy because the company has proven its expertise through problem solving. One newsletter does a great job in using a sense of humor in its promotional items.
Watch the ratio of solutions versus selling. If selling dominates the newsletter, then it is not likely to be as effective since it's focusing on the company not the reader. Promoting services and products is fine as long as there is more problem solving content than promotions.
Readers often provide feedback showing their appreciation for our saving them time. They don't have the luxury of searching Web sites for the latest information in their industry. A newsletter gives them that, a little bit of everything in one spot. Ultimately, providing value to readers means solving their problems and making their jobs easier.
Do you buy from someone you don't trust? What about Web sites selling products? eBay has the rating system where buyers and sellers rate one another based on their sales experiences. Would you buy from someone who has 50 percent positive / negative feedback? Trust plays a role.
Newsletter publishers become a trusted information source by knowing their audience and being honest with their readers. Furthermore, as the newsletter continuously solves business problems, it shows the readers the company behind the newsletter understands them and their challenges. Add more credibility by interviewing experts or inviting them to contribute an article.
Demonstrate integrity by creating a mailing list in a respectable way (read: avoid buying lists). Grow the mailing list by"
Using employees' address books.
Sending it to people who requested company information.
Including a subscription box on the company Web site.
Adding newsletter information in an email signature.
Writing the information on the back of business cards.
Keep the removal process simple. If someone doesn't want the newsletter, making it harder for her to get off isn't good for the business. It reduces credibility. Besides, if she can't get off, she'll add the newsletter to the spam filter. If there are 100 people like this, it wastes space and clutters the mailing list. Let them go.
Involving readers is a great way to build trust and a community. Provide an outlet for encouraging reader feedback in every issue. Invite readers to submit questions and help each other solve problems, share success stories, anything that would encourage them to write and provide information of value to other readers.
Many newsletters offer readers the chance to ask a question and in turn, post the question so other readers can help. Another way is to ask readers a question on the topic of the month and follow up in the next issue with responses. People like to see their names in lights, so it's another way to connect with readers.
Emailing newsletters on a regular schedule with accurate and timely is what it means to demonstrate stability. It's not just about finances, number of years in business, or product success.
Actions are the best way to prove stability. To do this with a newsletter:
Deliver on a regularly schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).
Use a consistent format (it's OK to redesign it when it is for the right reasons).
Write with a clear and constant voice.
Include a survey for reader feedback (sometimes change is necessary).
Respond to reader emails.
Stability shows the company is always available when needed and comes through when the call is sounded.
While finding new clients is essential, staying in touch with current clients is vital because they have used the service and know the quality of the work. They're more likely to buy again as long as you stay in touch. Newsletters are a great way for maintaining customer loyalty while searching for new customers.
High quality newsletters demonstrate value by providing information relevant to the reader; stability by regularly sending the newsletter; and trust by speaking from integrity. While newsletter should focus on the customer not the company, both parties should gain value. As long as the three factors are in place, the newsletter should be a winner.
By Meryl K. Evans
10 Tips for Successful Ezine Advertising
If you're like most people starting out on the Internet,you've been along this well-worn path:
You try free classified ad sites and get bombarded with spam by people trying to sell you stuff.
You try banner exchange programs and get a handful of click-throughs.
You finally get into the top twenty results in the Search Engines, and then a week later your site has dropped back to number 150.
The Internet may the largest market in human history, but how on earth do you reach those millions of people?
Well, the answer is ezine advertising.
Its the surest way on the Web of reaching your target audience.
Ezines (short for 'electronic magazines') are email newsletters that are sent out regularly to subscribers, like the one you're reading. They're sometimes called 'opt-in' lists because everyone who receives an ezine has chosen to do so.
And that's why ezine advertising gets results. People read ezines and they'll read your ad. And if you've matched the ezine to the product you're selling, you've reached your target audience.
Have a look at the ads in your favorite ezine - why are they there? Because they get results.
There are currently around 90,000 ezines being published every month. So whatever you're selling, there's more than likely an ezine that will take your ad straight to the audience you want to reach.
Ezine advertising is not only effective, its cheap as well. A 5-line ad in an ezine that goes to 3000 people will cost you between $5 and $20 per issue.
As a general rule, you'll always get back at least the cost of the ad, and usually much more. So there's very little risk.
But there are some tips for successful ezine advertising. Here they are:
1. The first and most important rule in ezine advertising is: "Track your Ads!". You might place your ad in 5 different ezines and get a hundred responses, but if you don't track your ads, you won't know which ezines were pulling responses and which weren't.
To advertise effectively in ezines, you must learn from experience - its a process of trial and error. Eventually, you'll end up with a handful of ezines that you know are bringing you a high response rate. After that, just keep placing your ads in those ezines and you'll have a guaranteed stream of customers.
But how do you track your ads?
The simplest method is to place a key or a code at the end of your email address. If your ad was in this ezine (for example), this is the email address you'd place with the ad:
Then, when you get a reply with 'freezine' in the subject field, you'll know which ezine it came from.
For a URL, it's the same principle:
However, if you're going to code your URLs, you'll need a sophisticated webstats program to track the coded URLs. Here are a couple of free ones:
Here's another way to code your URLs : for every ezine ad, create a duplicate of your homepage and name the page after the ezine that your ad will appear in. So, if the ad is appearing in Ezine A, this is the URL you'd place in that ad:
Again, you'll need to use a good web stats program to track the hits to your coded URLs.
2. The second rule is to target your audience. It may seem obvious but some advertisers overlook this. If you're selling a web-marketing course, don't advertise in an ezine that deals with stock options; they probably won't be interested.
Use the 'subject categories' in any ezine directory to find ezines that relate to the product you're selling. You can find a list of 60 ezine directories in 'The Free Directory of Ezines' at:
3. Once you've chosen a number of ezines that target your audience, subscribe to them and examine the ads closely. If you see an ad that keeps repeating issue after issue, you can be pretty sure that its getting results. You've found a good ezine to advertise in.
4. Check to see how many ads are in the ezine. You don't want your ad lost in an ezine farm at the bottom of the newsletter. You probably won't get much response from an ad in an ezine that has 15 or 20 ads per issue. Readers of those ezines have become hardened to the ads and have learnt to skip them.
5. Check to see if the ezine publisher has a policy of never running ads for two similar products in the same issue - your ad will be much more effective if its the only one of its kind in that particular issue.
6. Small ezines vs. Big ezines: bigger is not always better. The big ezines with 1000's of subscribers tend to have more ads than the small ezines. Also, small ezines with only a few hundred subscribers often have a much more targeted audience than the big ezines.
7. Repeat your ads. Research shows that off the Web, an ad has to be seen about 21 times before someone acts on it; on the Internet its about 9 times. If your budget allows, try and have your ad repeated at least three times in a particular ezine. Most ezines offer discount packages for bulk advertising.
8. Email address vs. URL. Opinions are divided on this; some people prefer to give an email address, others prefer to give a URL. The advantage of giving an email address is that it gives you the opportunity to send a powerful sales letter to the person who responded to your ad. Its also much easier to track your ads with an email address than a URL.
9. Offer something free in your ad copy. It'll often tip the balance between a response and no response.
10. Keep your ads short, even if you're not using the number of words you're allowed. Short ads are more likely to be read. Keep your sentences short too; they pack much more power. Use the word 'You'. Don't describe your product but tell the reader what your product can do for them.
By Michael Southon
Five Ways To Promote Your Ezine
After you've spent countless hours creating and publishing your own newsletter online, you still have to consider the fact that merely adding it to your website will not make it an overnight success.
You need to attract subscribers. There are several fairly easy ways to accomplish this goal.
1) Add your ezine details to every directory listing you can find online. There are a number of comprehensive websites devoted primarily to publishing ezine information. One list is published on this website -
2) Offer subscribers something free in return for their subscription to your ezine. This could be a free report, a free advertisement in a future issue of your publication, a free ebook, etc...
3) Submit the details of your new ezine to as all related Announcement Lists. Depending upon your content, you may find a helpful list on this page -
4) Talk about your latest endeavor in online forums related to your ezine topic. You can find various lists of forums by searching Google, Yahoo or Dogpile.
5) Reward subscribers for referring new subscribers. Again this can be in the form of a free advertisement for each person they recommend to your ezine (who actually becomes a subscriber.)
Remember that you definitely have competition for readership. There are probably plenty of newsletters online, which are similar to yours. You have to make it stand out from the crowd. Make it different, more appealing, more informative, etc...
Best of luck to you!
By Danielle Hollister
10 Effective Ways To Gain More New Ezine Subscribers
1. Swap ads with other ezine publishers.
Swap sponsor, feature, classified or solo ads with
publishers who have subscribers targeted to be interested
in what your ezine covers.
This will provide both you and the other publisher with a
terrific way to get more subscriptions at no cost.
When choosing ezines to swap ads with, pick ezines that
offer content that your new subscribers would be interested
in, but not ezines that compete directly with you.
2. Write articles.
Your articles will give you a powerful way to get more new
subscribers through your resource box at the end of your
Submit your articles to article directories, article
announcement lists and also to ezine publishers looking for
articles to run in their ezines.
You could also create a list that announces when you've
written a new article or articles to get more publishers to
run your articles on a regular basis.
3. Create an ebook compilation of your articles and use it
as a bonus for subscribing to your publication.
Multiply the number of subscriptions you get from your ebook
by letting other ezine publishers use it as a bonus for
subscribing to their ezines.
You can also let people rebrand your ebook with a link to
their site or ezine to get more people to offer your ebook
as a bonus or on their sites.
4. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.
You could recommend another publisher's ezine in your own
words to your subscriber base in exchange for her doing the
same for you.
You could also run a recommended ezines section in each
issue or recommend other publishers' ezines on your "thank
you" page or in your welcome message in exchange for the
same to get long term promotion of your ezine.
5. Submit your ezine to ezine directories.
Your submissions will get your ezine noticed by people
interested in the topic your ezine covers.
Submitting your ezine to ezine directories can also help you
find more advertisers for your ezine and also other
publishers who would like to participate in joint ventures
with you.
6. Use ezine announcement lists to promote your ezine.
Many ezine announcement lists allow you to post ads for your
ezine on a weekly or monthly basis giving you an easy way to
successfully promote your ezine on an ongoing basis.
7. Make a sample issue available on your site or by
Your sample issue will increase your subscriptions by
providing your visitors with a taste of the quality content
to be found in your ezine.
8. Use your signature file to promote your ezine.
Add a signature file that promotes your ezine to your
outgoing emails and also to your posts to discussion lists
or online forums.
9. Purchase advertising in other ezines.
Run your ad in ezines that you enjoy and reach your target
audience or search ezine directories for ezines that offer
good advertising rates.
Place your ad for at least three issues in a row as
repetition will help you get the most new subscribers from
your ads.
10. Place f~ree ads in other ezines.
Many ezine publishers allow their subscribers to place a
f~ree ad on a weekly, monthly or per issue basis as a
benefit to subscribing to their publications.
Track your f~ree ads so that you'll know which ad copy
produces the greatest results and which ezines would be good
choices to pay for advertising in or swap ads with.
Article by writer, Ken Hill
Guaranteed Ways to Build Up Your Ezine List
Here are tips gleaned from roughly 5 years spent building up an ezine list. I've also incorporated comments and tips from Jenna Glatzer, who successfully built her list up to 75,000 at her excellent site,
1. Free Stuff. Pick genuinely useful free stuff that you know your audience wants and needs. For instance, my brand new ezine, Expert Status, attracted 600 readers in just a few weeks by offering a report, "25 Top Self Help Literary Agents". The practical freebie works. Jenna Glatzer offers two free ebooks/reports to subscribers on agents who are receptive to new writers, and on writer's markets. She notes: "Before I did that, my subscriber numbers were in the hundreds, not thousands.
2. Put a subscribe box on every page of the site. This has worked for both Jenna and me. Mine is parked in the left hand column of the site. Experts advise putting a simple sign up box (with freebie mentioned) in the top left hand corner, as that's where the eye naturally travels first. A simple sign up box that requests only email address works best.
3. Ad swaps. Exchange plugs for your ezine with another website, to run in eachother's ezines. Be sure to mention those freebies! Doing this on a regular basis with a rotating selection of web partners will keep your subscription page busy.
4. Cross-registration. I've found subscribers by having a plug for my ezine on the thank you page of a comparable (but not directly competitive) website. This offer is made to folks who just signed up for an ezine, and are therefore deemed 'in the mood for more.' Offer a swap with your site, and try not to list more than about two other ezines. Also, make a point of including only really good, reliable publications that reach your target market.
5. Give away a bonus for other sites to use, based on your ezine. A popular web marketing technique is the special one or two-day promo that offers big bonus lists when you buy a certain product on those particular days. (I cover this promo technique in more detail in my ebook/binder, Get Known Now; How to Build Your Platform as a Self Help Expert.) So collect some of your best ezine essays, pack 'em up in a downloadable PDF-based e-book, and offer it as a bonus these sites can use in their special promos. Don't forget juicy descriptive copy about your ezine, and a subscribe link at the end of your ebook. I've gotten hundreds of new readers this way, and much traffic to my site.
6. Announce ezine 'events' on and other PR sites. There's an entire world of web-based press release distribution services out there, some of which are low cost or even free. So use them. But be sure to only plant press releases that are truly newsworthy, and thus likely to get press attention. Even if the media don't use your words this time, they'll hopefully file you as an expert for future use.
7. Use discussion boards or groups. These are sites frequented by gangs of people interested in the same thing. Avoid the unmoderated sites, because they're likely to be spam targets that generate little bonafide traffic. Boards found on member sites are the best. Don't spam the board with your subscribe message. Instead, offer some genuinely helpful info. Then sign off with a signature line that includes ezine and subscribe info. You can find some of these groups at,,, and for starters.
8. Sponsor other people's contests. Jenna Glatzer gives away products like her paid newsletter, Absolute Markets Premium Newsletter, to writers' groups, contests, and conferences that request it, regardless of size. I've tried this too, to good effect. Simply run an announcement in your ezine that you'd be happy to sponsor comparable events. Ask them to provide a URL for an event description so you know it's legit. Then offer up your gifts, and ask for a plug for your ezine and for them to talk up your dazzling freebie, as well. Jenna notes that groups she sponsors "often send out ads for us to their lists ? just as a thank you."
9. Run quality content. There's no substitute for heartfelt writing plus solid information about a subject that matters. Jenna writes: 'The main reason our list stays so big is our 'letter from the editor' ? Each week, I chronicle my writing life and my triumphs and failures ? when an article is killed, when I'm having trouble finishing a book ? And I share personal things, too, like when my grandfather died?. People write: ' I feel like I know you so well.' And I think that's why they stay on the list, even when their mailbox fills up with dozens of other writer's newsletters.
10. Allow reprints. Allow any newsletter that wants to reprint your articles do so. I like to have an email requesting permission, so I can enter their info into a big database I use to track where I can send more articles in the future. I end each article with the line: You may reprint this article in your own ezine or website. Simply send an email requesting permission to EMAIL ADDRESS. Please be sure to include our full bio box at the end.
11. Create a survey or contest. This would be one of those newsworthy 'ezine events' I mentioned above in point # 6. Make it a fun, relevant question that you could really develop a good, newsy story from. I did a survey asking people what they fought with their spouse/partner/boy or girlfriend about. The results made for the kind of reading offline media enjoy running short, 100-word pieces about (fillers.) I made sure to attribute the survey to my ezine, The Joy Letter, with a mention of the site's basic URL. You can get the technology to run your own survey and collect responses at (for a fee) or (for free.)
I think I could actually go on and on here. The possibilities seem to be endless. If you try even half of these techniques on a regular basis, you'll find your subscriber rates double and even triple. Here's to building your list ? the foundation that much of your traffic and success rely on.
By Suzanne Falter